Monday, May 9, 2011

Six Compelling Reasons To Try Pilates

By []Simon A. Ford

Pilates was developed by German gymnast Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century, and was designed as a way to rehabilitate injured soldiers returning from World War 1. It has become hugely popular in recent years, and with its focus on strengthening core muscles, Pilates is simply one of the most effective ways to develop a strong, flexible, and resilient body.

Here are six compelling reasons to give it a try:

1. Improved Posture

Pilates helps to re-align the spine and improve core strength. This helps to return the body to its natural posture of poise and erectness. This will have a positive effect in many areas of your life: you will walk taller, appear more confident, and so send out a much more positive message in your body language.

2. Back pain relief

This is another benefit of the good posture that is brought about by regular Pilates. The lengthening of the spine and strengthening of core muscles means less stress on your back. When your back muscles are strong and are allowed to work freely, it naturally follows that back pain can be both reduced and avoided in future.

3. Sleeker Silhouette

Regular training in Pilates can have a dramatic effect on the tone and strength of your stomach muscles. This in turn will be reflected in a sleeker silhouette. Pilates is a perfect way to flatten beer bellies or post-pregnancy mummy-tummies!

4. Mental Focus and Physical Awareness

The combination of precise and sometimes challenging movements needed during Pilates helps to develop concentration and a (sometimes profound) new awareness of your body. This can have a positive knock-on effect in your daily life, helping you make better choices in the way you move. Lifting, reaching, twisting and bending all become much easier, more fluid, and of course, safer.

5. Relaxation and Stress Relief

Tension is stored in the muscles and tissues of the body, and Pilates is a magnificent way to release this pent-up energy. The effects of this thorough but gentle releasing can be both profoundly relaxing and rejuvenating.

6. Suppleness and Flexibility

In their quest for strength and fitness, many people forget the importance of suppleness and flexibility; this is every bit as important as fitness, and is particularly important to maintain as we grow older. Pilates is a superb way to move and stretch our muscles and to preserve our range of motion as we age.

All in all, Pilates is one of the most effective ways to exercise and develop our bodies to the full. Try it and see for yourself; once you experience the resulting improvements in strength, flexibility, balance and posture, you'll never look back.

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Article Source: [] Six Compelling Reasons To Try Pilates

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